Pilotage of a compact, innovative Urban Wind Power Station power generator driven by air streams in urban space.
Project was implemented under the priority programme LIFE (2014 – 2020) Life – Climate Change Mitigation.
Project was included in the area of actions to mitigate climate change.
On the site of the Postołowo Golf Club in Postołowo near the Tri-City, three UWPS power generators with a capacity of 5, 10 and 20 kW were installed on a pile of land prepared especially for this purpose. They are currently undergoing mechanical tests. We are waiting for stronger winds to tighten all the anchors and lashings.
Next to the golf course, a residential, conference, hotel and sports development project was created, for which the Urban Wind Power Station power plants are an example of ecological solutions in this type of investment.
Urban wind Power Station – NOVOTEL Centrum Warszawa
The biggest challenge in our project: at the invitation of the ACCOR Hotel chain – The 5 kW Urban Wind Power Station, i.e. UWPS-05, was re-installed on the roof of the NOVOTEL Centrum hotel Warsaw, located at the intersection of Marszałkowska Street and Aleje Jerozolimskie.
The wind turbine was transported thanks to a special modular design on the roof of this 36-story building with the use of internal elevators.
It has been confirmed that the complete installation of UWPS-05 on the roof can be carried out in just 12-16 hours, including the time needed for anchoring.
Our UWPS-05 towers over the center of Warsaw! Mechanical tests are ongoing and current.
The possibility of building a horizontal version of the UWPS device at this location for recycling “waste” air currents from hotel ventilation ducts is under consideration.
Urban wind Power Station – Sawmill Krychów
Another power generator Urban wind Power Station with a capacity of 10 kW, i.e. UWPS -10, was installed at the invitation of ARBOR Sp. z o.o. NS. K. on the roof of the sawmill office building in Krychów near Lublin, in the zone of the Polish Eastern Wall.
The installation of the device in this place was carried out with the use of the heavy equipment provided sawmill.
We are impressed by the kindness and commitment of the company’s employees. We hope the wind will be good and the tests will be successful.
Another prototype of the Urban Wind Power Station
For a month now, another prototype of the Urban Wind Power Station with a power of 5 kW has been installed on the Postołowo Golf Club in Postołowo near Gdańsk.
The construction of a large Residential and Conference Center is planned next to the field. We hope that our innovative RES system will fit into the landscape of the Center and the golf course.
Urban Wind Power Station – Novotel Warszawa Centrum
On the roof of the “Novotel Warszawa Centrum” hotel, as part of the LIFE-UrbanWind.PL program, another test generator, Urban Wind Power Station, was installed (after installation on the Sobienie Królewskie Golf & Country Club golf course). This 5 kW device is currently undergoing mechanical and electrical tests and will soon be formally connected to the grid. We are planning to install a dozen or so similar devices in various locations as part of the LIFE-UrbanWind.PL project.
Urban Wind Power Station – Sobienie Królewskie Golf & Country Club
On July 30, 2020, the first prototype of the 5 kW Urban Wind Power Station device was installed on the Sobienie Królewskie Golf & Country Club golf course in Sobienie Szlacheckie near Warsaw. The module is 2.90 m high and therefore no building permit is required for its installation. The Prosumer Act enables the installation of generating devices with the above-mentioned parameters as part of a simplified administrative system. This is true for private individuals as well as for entrepreneurs.
Urban Wind Power Station device
This device Urban Wind Power Station is a generator set for use in urbanized areas. For the production of electricity, it uses renewable, practically unlimited energy of air streams forced by human activity in urban space. Due to its design, it is safe for the environment and birds. does not emit noise. The device produces 230V electricity . The nominal power of these devices is 5, 10 and 20kW.
The device consists of a modular engine -wind turbine and a generator. Can be used in vertical and/or horizontal position.
It can also be safely used indoors, where there are air streams, e.g. in the subways, as well as in park spaces, e.g. on golf courses.
It does not dependent on the direction of the air streams due to the use of cylindrical panel diffusers.
The engine module has a height of about 1 m and for setting on roofs it consists of two modules, so that the on the roof structure is not higher than 3m. Its diameter varies and can be any but the standard in this phase is 70, 90 and 110 cm.
In addition to the production of electricity in a distributed system, mainly for its own needs, it can be used to produce potable water from saline sea water and salted waste mine waters, it can produce hydrogen and oxygen by electrolysis. Synergy with photovoltaics is a natural combination as well as supporting the operation of ground wind farms.
Urban Wind Power Station
During a pandemic, we work with all caution – new elements of the Urban Wind Power Station are created. It is a device for the safe production of electricity from renewable energy of air streams in urban space. This cylindrical device catches streams from any direction and with variable speed. It can be used on the roofs of buildings and industrial facilities, inside buildings, e.g. metro, tunnels, as well as in open spaces, e.g. on golf courses. The device produces 230V current and is designed in three versions: 5kW, 10kW and 20kW. It can be used in horizontal or vertical versions as well as at any angle.
W czasie pandemii pracujemy zachowując wszystkie wytyczne ostrożności – powstają kolejne elementy urządzenia Urban Wind Power Station. Jest to urządzenie do bezpiecznej produkcji energii elektrycznej z odnawialnej energii strumieni powietrza w przestrzeni zurbanizowanej. To cylindryczne urządzenie wyłapuje strumienie z każdego kierunku i o zmiennej prędkości. Może być stosowane na dachach budynków i obiektów przemysłowych, wewnątrz obiektów np.metro, tunele a także w przestrzeni otwartej np. na polach golfowych. Urządzenie produkuje prąd o napięciu 230V i zaprojektowane jest w trzech wersjach 5kW, 10kW i 20kW. Może być stosowane w wersjach horyzontalnej lub vertykalnej a także pod dowolnym kątem.
Opublikowany przez UrbanWind.PL Sobota, 20 czerwca 2020
Tests confirmed the assumptions
New tests confirm the assumptions made in the construction of an innovative wind engine/turbine. The wind engine is already working at an air stream with a speed of 2m / s and confirms the possibility of using new renewable energy source (RES) which are air streams forced by human activity in urban space.
Nowe testy potwierdziły przyjęte założenia w zakresie budowy innowacyjnego silnika wiatrowego . Silnik pracuje już przy strumieniu powietrza o prędkości 2 m/s i potwierdza nowego źródła energii odnawialnej ( OZE )
Opublikowany przez UrbanWind.PL Czwartek, 5 marca 2020
We installed another weather station as part of the LIFE-UrbanWind.PL project
Another meteo unit has been installed this time on the area of the Sobienie Królewskie Golf & Country Club golf course lying alongside the road 739 near Warsaw.
Already the first signals confirm earlier findings that for most of the day the winds blow there in a relatively steady direction and at a speed of about 4m / s. This only confirms the information already received from the Kraków Valley Golf & Country Club that golf courses are a good place to produce electricity from renewable energy of air streams occurring on golf courses. We shall monitor the results.
We will start the New Year 2020 intensively.
On 09-10.01.2020, during the conference “Enterprise and the Environment” organized by the PROZON Climate Protection Foundation, as partners of the event, we presented the Urban Wind Power Station device project as part of the LIFE-UrbanWind.PL project together with our main beneficiary – ECO FOR LIFE Foundation for Ecology Support.
The conference took place in the conference center of the Sound Garden Hotel in Warsaw. It gathered representatives of many industries. The aim of the Enterprise and Environment Conference was to provide knowledge, among others, about controls in the field of F-gas regulations, changes in regulations for producers and waste collectors, and about alternative refrigerants.
The conferences were officially opened by the President of the Management Board of PROZON Climate Protection Foundation – Krzysztof Grzegorczyk. Welcoming guests, he emphasized that this meeting was also an excellent opportunity to exchange experiences and integrate representatives of various types of enterprises, and also introduced listeners to the issues of conference speeches.
LIFE -UrbanWind.PL project together with the main beneficiary Foundation for the Support of Ecology ECO FOR LIFE with the Urban Wind Power Station device, bearing in mind the need for education and dissemination of knowledge on global warming and ways to combat climate change, has established cooperation with PROZON Foundation for Climate Protection PROZON Foundation for Climate Protection, which is the main coordinating beneficiary of the Refrigerants LIFE Cycle project.
9-10.01 2020 we will participate in the conference “Enterprise and the environment” As Partners of the event we will present the Urban Wind Power Station project.
During the conference, important topics for each entrepreneur will be raised, in the form of lectures and workshops.
The Institute of Research, Applied Sciences and New Technologies has launched an aerodynamic tunnel with a clearance of 2/2 meters for the needs of the project to simulate the air stream in urban space.
Research will be conducted and analyzed on the basis of information obtained, among others, from our own weather stations.
This tunnel will also examine the properties of individual versions of wind turbines.
UrbanWind.pl weather stations
According to the timetable of the LIFE UrbanWind.pl project, we are building a catalog of air streams forced by human activity in urban space. We designed and built weather stations that are designed to record online data on air flows forced by human activities. They measure temperature, speed, direction and humidity of streams and send data to our base in Warsaw. Currently, two stations are installed: on the roof of the Bella company – Zakład Kompozytów Sp. z o.o. in Czosnów near Warsaw, on the Kraków Valley Golf & Country Club golf course in Paczułtowice near Krakow, the next two will be installed at facilities designated by Warsaw authorities in Warsaw, another will be installed on the Sobienie Królewskie Golf & Country Club golf course near Warsaw. A portable set is also built that will travel to designated places and collect temporary data in those places. It is important in the aspect of collecting information on air streams “under the roof” and in places where it is impossible to place our station permanently.
Animation Urban Wind Power Station
An animation was created that shows the Urban Wind Power Station in motion. The project we are working on gives the opportunity to use the energy of air streams (forced by human activity) in urban space as a new source of renewable energy for the production of zero-emission and cheap electricity
A prototype of the Urban Wind Power Station device
We are constantly improving the prototype of the Urban Wind Power Station device.
Our module is already working.
In the next stage, we will work on connecting new types of power generators with the device.
A minimum air flow directed at our prototype makes the device gain momentum.
Work on the prototype
A prototype is underway every day in the assembly room and workshop.
LIFE Kick-off Meeting Climate Change Project conference in Brussels, 3-4.10.2019
October 3 and 4, 2019 representation of the ECO FOR LIFE Foundation for Ecology and the Institute of Research, Applied Sciences and New Technologies Sp. Z o.o. took part in the LIFE Kick-off Meeting Climate Change Project Conference in Brussels. As beneficiaries of the LIFE-UrbanWind.PL project, we had the opportunity to meet 31 other European projects in this field, the implementation of which is currently underway and the current guidelines and achievements of the European Commission regarding the policy Climate Change Adaptation and Climate Change Mitigation ).
Representatives of EASME (Executive Agency for Small and Medium sized Enterprises), the European Commission and NEEMO EEIG Life Team (international agency monitoring LIFE projects) made sure that all conference participants could learn as much as possible on all possible topics related to the formal implementation of projects. The scope and possibilities of cooperation resulting from participation in the LIFE program are enormous.
We wish good luck to all colleagues starting new, extremely interesting LIFE projects !!
Economic Summit in Siedlce 26-27.09.2019
The ECO for LIFE Foundation for Ecology Support and the Institute of Research, Applied Sciences and New Technologies with the LIFE-UrbanWind.PL project actively participated in the nationwide Economic Summit in Siedlce, which took place in early October 2019.
The two-day jubilee Fifth National Polish Economic Summit in Siedlce ran under the main slogan: “State – Economy – Security”. The discussions were dominated by environmental issues, especially in the context of improving air quality in Poland, including investments in renewable energy sources and the country’s energy security. Second OSG day is a workshop conducted by Energy Advisors. Energy Consulting Project for entrepreneurs, home owners, farm owners, representatives of local government units. Advisors gave consultations and advice on the possibilities of obtaining funding for investments in energy efficiency and issues related to reducing the negative impact of emissions on quality In this panel, the President of the Foundation Anna Niewodzka and the President of the Institute Anna Łasica-Czaplejewicz presented our LIFE-UrbanWind.PL project as a renewable energy source in the ro system zproszonym.
The organizers of the above were: the Ministry of Energy and the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management. The event was held under the honorary patronage of Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki.
Project description Urban Wind Power Station
We present a substantive and visual short description of our project. URBAN WIND POWER STATION power generator.
1/09/2019 – Picnic with Climate, Warsaw
On September 1, 2019, we participated in the 12th edition of a popular event organized by the Capital City of Warsaw. “Picnic with Climate”. This year Warsaw’s ecological and cultural center became the Square of the 1st Armored Division of the Polish Army, next to the Multimedia Fountain Park. The picnic ran under the slogan “Warsaw – City with Climate” and its theme was the adaptation of the city to changes climatic conditions.
At the picnic, the “ECO FOR LIFE” Foundation and the Institute for Scientific Research and New Technologies created a stand presenting our innovative project LIFE-UrbanWind.PL, which aroused great interest, especially of the Polish Association of Developers and representatives of the Embassies.
LIFE Information Day 2019 on April 17 in Warsaw.
LIFE-UrbanWind.PL was presents as the one of best international projects on April 17, 2019, at the LIFE Information Day .
It was organized for the twelfth time by the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management. The conference was held in Warsaw at the MsMermaid conference center – Conference Center at The Tides (website: www.msmermaid.pl) ul. Wioślarska 8.
The purpose of the event was the inauguration at the national level of this year’s call for applications for the LIFE Program, as well as the presentation of the grant offer that the program allows, and the general rules for applying for funding in the 2019 call. It was also an opportunity to learn about ongoing or implemented projects and exchange experiences with current Beneficiaries of LIFE. We hope that the projects presented during the event will become an inspiration for future applicants.
Information Day program
The LIFE 2019 Information Day consisted of a general session and three thematic sessions.
The general (morning) session was addressed to people who are preparing to submit an application in the LIFE recruitment and are looking for basic knowledge about the Program and its principles.
Thematic sessions (afternoon) were devoted directly to the main priority areas of LIFE. Sample, best projects were presented at various stages of implementation, thanks to which it was possible to learn different perspectives of participation in the program.
Session I Environment and resource efficiency – the theme was air protection projects
Session II Nature and biodiversity – was devoted to species protection
Session III Mitigation of climate change – with particular emphasis on market projects
Additionally, during the event, a dozen or so Program Beneficiaries presented their projects at special information stands. Therefore, conference participants had the opportunity to directly exchange information and experience from the implementation of ongoing projects.