OXYGEN MEMORANDUM: “Atmospheric oxygen – it is a common good!”


Atmospheric oxygen – it is a common good!

We are born, we begin to breathe air and we treat it not as an indispensable and conditioning element of our life, but as an obvious, unlimited and ever-lasting, somewhat indefinite substance, the importance of which for us we do not realize until we can take a sip of clean air for some reason.

Air (atmospheric oxygen) is the most readily available commodity of all goods on Earth.

Everyone reaches for them whenever they want and everyone can use air (atmospheric oxygen) for commercial purposes in any way and in any amount without any consequences and without any control.

I am proposing to effectively introduce fees for the use of the common good, which is air, in commercial processes.     

Most of the world’s decision-makers understand the need to protect the environment that makes up the earth’s resources; land, water and air, and flora and fauna. A number of legal regulations have been developed to regulate the use of natural resources and their protection against devastation by commercial and often thoughtless human activities.

It seems that water is best protected by standards and “regulations”, which results, for example, in charging fees for the use of water and for the production of sewage.

In the case of  earth, whose resources (apart from fossil resources) are still widely considered unlimited, fees have been introduced for the use of natural resources for industrial (commercial) purposes.

The air is protected, but only in terms of reducing its pollution, mainly with greenhouse gases, mainly as a result of combustion processes. Air pollution usually results in fines  or administrative fees for mainly CO2 emissions.

Charges for the use of common goods (water, earth / fossil resources) are usually levied locally by individual countries.

But air, like earth and water, is a common good, a valuable component of which is oxygen, which is used mainly in combustion processes – resulting in the emission of harmful greenhouse gases.

I am proposing to effectively introduce fees for the use of the common good, which is air, in commercial processes.

So “big industry” takes any quantity of air (oxygen) it wants, uses it as it wants and after processing it sends it as waste polluting the atmosphere of the whole Earth. It is assumed that all goods within the boundaries of a given state belong to it, including air. As long as the resources of the earth do not move, the water does and the air knows no borders to movement.

Air is the best example of the common good on Earth, which we all use automatically and universally on equal and automatically understood rights. As inhabitants of the Earth, we believe that air is a due gift of Nature, sometimes forgetting that it is one of the foundations of our lives.

So, can we continue to accept the situation and allow the self-proclaimed decision-makers to use the air freely and freely, using it for their own commercial purposes and, additionally, the air spoiled in their technological processes to send us to breathe?

I am proposing to effectively introduce fees for the use of the common good, which is air, in commercial processes.

Payment of fees for the use of the common good, which is air (mainly oxygen), will discipline its current and future industrial users to treat air as a valuable resource, the resources of which belong to all participants of life on Earth.

The fees will also increase awareness that the so-called Earth’s resources are the good of all and using them for own commercial purposes as a free resource cannot be arbitrary, despite the fact that air (and oxygen) is the most readily available commodity of all goods on Earth.

I am proposing to effectively introduce fees for using the common good, which is atmospheric oxygen, in commercial processes.

The time has come to treat also air (atmospheric oxygen) as a raw material of a common good nature and its use for business processes must be subject to the necessary additional regulations, regardless of fees for air pollution.

Air (oxygen) consumption charges for commercial industrial processes will mainly be allocated to:

  • restoration of forest and grass areas, enabling the reconstruction of green areas and the development of oxygen-producing flora,
  • restoring the disturbed biological balance,
  • obtaining drinking water (mainly from the saline waters of the seas and oceans) as the main raw material for the development of flora and fauna,\
  • development of technologies related to green hydrogen as an energy store and energy raw material.

I am proposing to effectively introduce fees for the use of the common good, which is air, in commercial processes.


The OXYGEN MEMORANDUM is to be the basis for a discussion on this topic, the creation of the International Center of Atmospheric Oxygen (ICAO) and guidelines for use by all countries in the world.

The tasks for the International Center of Atmospheric Oxygen include:

  1. Creating a list of technological processes in which air (oxygen) is consumed, as a result of which greenhouse gases and other forms of air pollution are generated,
  2. Creation of a system of coordination of activities in the scope of normalization of air (oxygen) consumption in the processes mentioned in point 1
  3. Creation of structures and guidelines for the creation of national Centers of Atmospheric Oxygen
  4. Development of rules for determining and collecting fees and collecting funds and their distribution, as well as a system of inspections and penalties,
  5. Development of the regulations for the functioning of the Center and all activities assigned to the Center
  6. Preparation of a list of activities financed by the Center from the funds obtained from the imposed fees and grants.
  7. Development of other documents and principles of operation of the established structures, depending on the needs.

Atmospheric oxygen cannot be freely, without limitations and without consequences used as a raw material in commercial processes.

Jerzy Czaplejewicz

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