Pilot installation of a compact generating set using forced air streams in urban areas (Pilot testing of an innovative wind turbine generator system “Urban WindPower Station” set in urban space).
LIFE-UrbanWind. PL
The project implemented by the Foundation for Supporting Ecology ECO FOR LIFE, and other clients: Institute of Research, Applied Science and New Technologies sp. z o.o., Adorea sp. z o.o. and Gromar sp. z o. o.
Sources of funding

Additional financial support:
National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management.
Implementation Period
- 1.10.2018-30.09.2021
Foundation for Supporting Ecology
as part of statutory activities, it supports the development of technology and innovation, disseminates solutions for ecology, works for European integration and cooperation in the field of ecology, especially eco-innovation. The Foundation particularly supports actions to slow down climate change. He is a partner in a platform established by the Ministry of the Environment, coordinated by the Capital City of Warsaw Warsaw: A CLIMATE PARTNERSHIP; as well as a member of the BIOENERGIA cluster for the REGION. Members of the Foundation’s Council and the experts acquired for the project are the authors of patents, ecologists with many years of practice, and engineers.
Institute of Research, Applied Sciences
and New Technologies Sp. z o.o.
is a unit continuing the work of the Institute of Innovative Social and Technological Thought, established by the Senate at the College of International Relations and American Studies in Warsaw, as the Polish equivalent of the Virginia Institute of Applied Science and Technology. The original project of the INSTYTUT is research on a prototype of a series of CITY Air Flow municipal sewage treatment plants, intended for air purification in urban spaces, and at the same time affecting the reduction of temperature in cities as a result of CO2 leveling. Intytty is a member of the “CLIMATE PARTNERSHIP” platform, implementing a strategy for comprehensive, innovative, promotional and educational activities for the prevention of climate change. In addition, he is a member of the Klaster BIOENERGIA DLA REGION and POMED – INNOVATION IN MEDICINE.
Adorea Sp. z o. o.
is a company providing advisory services for advertising and is a publisher of elite (Polish-English) lifestyle magazines: Golf & LIFE, Business & LIFE, Look & LIFE.
Both as a consulting company and as a publisher of Business & LIFE, it closely cooperates with business organizations, reaches to one of the most opinion-forming group of readers such as golfers (mainly business owners and high-level managers).
one of the leaders of the IT market in Poland and in Europe. Has a wide range of programmers and a multimedia production team, implements its own innovative solutions in the area of software.
The winner of many awards including “Deloitte Technology Fast 50 in Central Europe” – a prestigious distinction awarded by Forbes magazine and Deloitte company.
It is also a laureate of the Polish plebiscite “Business Creator” in the category of Human Resources.
Aim and description of the project
he project aims to confirm the efficiency and innovative potential of the Urban Wind Power Station generating set and to show the possibilities of using the energy of air streams forced by human activity in urban space as a new renewable energy source, transformed into cheap electricity.
The project includes the construction and testing of the Urban Wind Power Station prototype – a generator set based on a modular, cylindrical wind turbine with a self-guiding system for optimal energy capture of the air stream, for the production of electricity, with automatic energy reception and storage, and with fastening systems.
The information and education objective of the project is to increase public awareness regarding the relationship between the production of non-emission dispersed energy and the reduction of CO2 emissions and the impact of this dependence on the mitigation of climate change. Education will be addressed to decision makers at various levels, entrepreneurs, local government officials, Technology Transfer Centers and prosumers.
Urban Wind Power Station can become an important element in the process of reducing CO2 emissions in urban space in Poland and in Europe, which is in line with the EU directives and the main objective of the climate and energy package Europe 2020.
Project coordinator
Anna Niewodzka – President of the Management Board
ECO FOR LIFE Foundation for Ecological Support